Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello today i will be talking about stars. Stars are balls of gases held together by its own gravity. the biggest and closest star to the Earth is the Sun. The sun is so big it takes 109 Earths to fit across the Sun's disk and it's interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The space blog

This blog is about space because it will be talking about planets, the solar system, outer space, comets, black holes, stars, and spaceships.

My blog will be for everyone to see.

It will be made somewhere in 2010.

I made this blog of space because I like to talk about cool space stuff.
On my blog you will be allowed to add comments it will have games about space not that much pictures of planets, stars, black holes, spaceships, comets, solar system, and it will use the color black.